Saturday, 25 June 2016

Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi

Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU ) is a public central university in New Delhi, the capital of India. In 2012 The National Assessment and Accreditation Council gave the university a grade of 3.9 out of 4, the highest grade[1] awarded to any educational institution in the country.[2] It is one of the top universities in the country, ranking third according to the National Institutional Ranking Framework.[3][4] It is known for leading faculties and research emphasis on liberal arts and applied sciencesThe M.Sc. degree course has no specialisation; however students take elective courses and a research project in a chosen area in the IV semester. 

This gives students completing the M.Sc. degree course freedom to take up research in a variety of specialised fields which range from the intersections of chemistry with biology on the one hand and with physics on the other. Within the mainstream, there is an emphasis on areas such as synthetic, supramolecular and materials chemistry, bio-organic and medicinal chemistry, computational chemistry and chemical physics, and a wide variety of subjects within the inorganic domain.The School of Physics has developed high quality teaching programmes at the M.Sc. and M.Tech. levels. The School has research programme to train Ph.D. scholars and conducts research in the areas of condensed matter physics, high energy physics, non-linear optics, quantum optics and laser physics, solid state physics and materials science and electronic science. 

The areas of research include superconductivity, magnetism, phase transitions, critical phenomena, glasses and ceramics, liquid crystals, thin films, ion-solid interactions, semiconductors and super lattices, nanostructured materials, low-dimensional systems, localisation, percolation, molecular dynamics, neural networks, quantum field theory, quantum chromo dynamics, CP violation, heavy quarks, non-linear dynamics, quantum computing, stochastic-quantisation, modern quantum optics including Femto second laser experiments and theory, VLSI and Signal processing, ferroelectrics and microwave devicesThe School of Chemistry admits students to the M.Sc. and Ph.D. Programmes. The emphasis at the curricular level is to give a broad coverage of all branches of chemistry in keeping with the interdisciplinary nature of the subject today.


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